Losing weight and getting into shape is hard work, and when you find a system that works, any break in your fitness regimen can set you back. Talking to you, upcoming trip! Vacations are exactly the kind of disruption that can ruin your progression, sending your weight back to an upward trend and denting your confidence (and bikini body!) So how can you stay fit and trim but still enjoy a rewarding vacay? Read on for some simple tips on how to work out on vacation.
1. Set Your Alarm Early and Hit the Beach or the Road
Many people never find out about it, but most beaches are thronged with runners in the early morning. In most popular resorts, you’ll find a hardy breed of early-morning joggers who turn in at a (somewhat) reasonable hour and set their alarms for early morning jaunts. Not vacationing at the beach? No problem. Lace up those shoes and hit the road. You’ll get the added bonus of experiencing the morning bustle of the city.
2. Slot in A Few Micro-Workouts Every Day
Vacations can be hectic, particularly if you travel as a family, and not everyone will have time to spend on the tennis court or in the gym. If you are in demand for watching the kids, museum visiting or beach lounging, you can still keep your body in shape. Just set aside 15 minutes every morning and evening to get through a short circuit. That should be enough to keep your muscles primed and ready for action as soon as you get home.
3. Make Time for Nature During Your Vacation
If you are worried about putting on weight when you’re away, why not include as many outdoor activities as possible in your schedule? That way, you can balance hours lounging by the pool or in the bar with hikes in local beauty spots or kayaking along the coast. Too many people stick close to their hotels during their vacations, which might seem relaxing for a couple of days. But if you have an active mindset, plan to get out into nature. If you do, you’ll feel a whole lot better about your vacation lifestyle.
4. Always Enquire About Hotel or Resort Gyms
Hitting a gym might seem like a no-brainer, but not all accommodation providers sign-post their fitness facilities. These days, most hotels offer some form of exercise, particularly for business travelers. There might also be jungle gyms in local parks that allow you to enjoy a low-intensity workout while your kids relax nearby. However, always ask yourself whether you truly need to hit the gym. After all, you’re on vacation, and there’s no need to guilt-trip yourself into hiding under a mountain of weights.
5. Embrace the Chance to Recuperate
If you are a serious lifter, runner, swimmer or cyclist, your muscles will be thankful for a period of rest. Even if you feel that you are losing strength, or start worrying about your stamina, try to put those doubts to one side. It takes over a week for your body to start losing muscle strength during a period of inactivity. If you are only away for a couple of weeks, your muscles should be just as strong when you get back as they were when you left, and the period of rest can put you in a good position to work even harder in the gym.
Vacations are a time for relaxation and rejuvenation, but there’s no reason they should be periods of total inactivity. Whether you go for regular micro-workouts, long hikes in the mountains or early-morning beach runs, there are plenty of ways to avoid feeling guilty about having some time away from the gym.
Looking for more ways to stay fit while on vacation? Check out these 7 Quick & Effective Butt Workouts.

Melody Rose Rowan is the CEO + hostess with the mostess at @CuteStays. When she isn’t blogging about style and interior design for her blog MustacheMelrose.com, Melody can be found renovating @MaxineTheAirstream with her husband, Scott, or playing with her two rescue dog-sons, Jake and Finn. Say hi at @mustachemelrose!