Whether you’ve accomplished your fitness goals or are still working your way along that roller coaster of a ride to reach those goals, there’s one thing that is certain… the holidays can sure derail them. The good news? It’s easy to get back on track. You don’t need to punish yourself with a super restrictive diet though. Take a look at these 8 easy detox ideas that will help get yourself back to that goal-focused, disciplined mindset.
1. Break a Sweat
The best way to get back into the swing of things? Get moving again. Maybe you didn’t have as much time over the holidays to get into the gym or get moving as you were hoping, but don’t think you need to throw yourself right back into the mix. Squeeze in a home workout, go for a jog or twist yourself into some yoga poses. Whatever it is, just get yourself moving again, and progressively ease yourself back into the swing of your normal routine.
2. Infuse Your Water with Fruit
AKA detox water, but we would rather think of it as you just being healthy. Detox water has shown to rid of toxins in the body, improve pH levels and boost the immune system. It’s simple to make and you can get creative with what you choose to infuse your water with, plus you’re drinking more water, which has obvious benefits of its own.
3. Eat Your Veggies
There is no arguing the health benefits of vegetables for the human body. They contain many vitamins and minerals which are crucial for overall health and maintenance. Add more veggies into your meals to replace all of the holiday treats and alcohol you may have over-imbibed in.
4. Whip Up Some Detox Soup
This isn’t a special soup that will help you drop 10 pounds overnight. It is simply just packed with wholesome and healthy nutrients that are crucial for your health. This Tumeric Lentil Soup is packed with ingredients that will provide your body with anti-inflammatory nutrients which are important after eating not so healthy meals and treats. Get the recipe here.
5. Drink Your Juice
The benefits of juicing are plentiful. The micronutrients are so good for your body—they help remove toxins and will make your stomach feel a little better if it’s not so hot after all of that cheerful beer.
6. Put Your Phone Away and Get Outside
Get yourself outside to enjoy some fresh air. Go on a hike, a walk with the fam, a jog, anything that will get you out of the house and moving a little bit. You’d be surprised how much better you feel afterward!
7. Take a Relaxing Bath
The benefits of baths are super underrated, especially when you toss in a few good-for-you ingredients. Try a hot bath with some lavender oil, Epsom salts and a little bit of baking soda. This will help balance your body’s pH., lower stress-related hormones and even draw out toxins.
8. Cook Up Some Detox Dinners
You want to keep those micronutrients on the top of our list when trying to get things back in order after the holidays. This delicious detox dinner is loaded with important vitamins. The recipe calls for all fresh and healthy ingredients like apple cider vinegar, which is especially helpful to your gut health.
If you’re looking for more articles on keeping yourself healthy, check out our Q&A on What Diet is Right for Me?