Tight hips are a widespread issue nowadays. With a higher proportion of people sitting at a desk day-in and day-out, hip joint injuries and pains are becoming more common by the minute. Wondering if you have tight hips? Here’s a simple test: stand up & look down at your feet. If your toes are point outward rather than straight ahead, your hip muscles are probably overworked and need to be stretched. So, the next time you’re feeling the tightness start to creep in, commit to these five hip opening exercises to help relieve discomfort.
1. Sleek Technique Ballet Fitness
Try these quick, daily stretches to make your next workout feel more enjoyable.
2. Popsugar Fitness
This five-minute stretch workout will help you feel stronger and more flexible.
3. Well + Good
Looking for a stretching routine that’s a little longer? Try this 25-minute video to show your hips some love.
4. PRIME Women Media
Channel your inner ballerina with this 5-minute barre mobility routine.
5. Man Flow Yoga
Try this routine before your next workout to loosen your hips and back.
Stretching pre-and post-workout is key for optimal results. Learn about foam rolling and how it can help with those tight hips!

Hayleigh Butcher is a Content Writer & Brand Strategist for Blender Networks. When she’s not managing blogs for FitMinutes, The-E-Tailer, Cartageous, InStyleRooms, NurturedPaws & Shoelistic, she’s finding a new trail to hike with her dog, Gemma or finding the best new spot in her hometown of Bedford, Nova Scotia for an iced coffee!